The Terrans, Protoss, and Zerg will stop at nothing to insure the survival of their species, and you'll need to develop whole new strategies to master each side's unique abilities. Keep checking these pages for detailed descriptions of each side.

Terrans are masters of mobility and versatility. Using converted industrial vehicles and mobile bases, they move from world to world, pillaging as they go. Their military consists of both "resocialized" criminals and elite soldiers.

The Protoss possess powerful psionic abilities, and in combat they use these powers to form weapons and shields composed of pure energy. They also use highly advanced robotic drones to make up for their lack of numbers.

The Zerg actually encompass a multitude of bio-engineered creatures, designed for maximum killing efficiency. Their hives are also living creatures which slowly infest any area the Zerg inhabit with "the Creep", a thick blanket of organic matter